Welcome Book Clubs! I am delighted you are reading my books! Thank you! I am an American women’s historian with a special interest in maritime history and I have come up with a few discussion questions for you. FUN FACT: It was in writing THE PIRATE NEXT DOOR that I discovered Sarah Kidd and realized she deserved a book of her own! Presto, THE PIRATE’S WIFE: THE REMARKABLE TRUE STORY OF SARAH KIDD! Let me know what you think of my books, I love to hear from readers and answer any questions.
Happy Reading!
All my best,

The Pirate’s Wife
*Was there anything in the story that particularly surprised you, either in a good or bad way? What about it made it so surprising?
*What are some themes in this story? Were there any that stood out to you?
*What were your favorite parts of the book? Your least favorite parts?
*What is the difference between a privateer and a pirate?
*What was the legal status of married women in the seventeenth and eighteenth century?
*Did you learn something new from reading The Pirate’s Wife: The Remarkable True Story of Sarah Kidd? If so, what?
*Did Sarah ever reveal where Captain Kidd’s treasure was buried?
The Pirate Next Door:
The Untold Story of Eighteenth Century Pirates’ Wives, Families and Communities

*What is the significance of the title of the book, THE PIRATE NEXT DOOR?
*Which pirate did not have a wife?
*Which pirate was the black sheep of his family?
*Many have speculated what happened to Captain Samuel Bellemy, what do you think?
*Thinking about Maria Hallett, why do you think she was a woman of her time given the other things going on in nearby Salem, MA? Do you think she was a witch?